You don't spend insurance company's money when you are young and pay the premium, which are gone when you need it, insurance companies still increase your pay when you are older or lost job or get illed, it means, you throw your money away when you are young or in good health like feeding dogs.
Does it make any sense?
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Political Stability Force - Senate
You will see so many old senators in the USA, this is the secret of American polical stability, those 100 old men plus the 9 justice overwatch the moving of america who moves per its beautiful constitutions. President can be replaced soon, and the congress men but our senators. It looks like there is similariry in China politics, the older men stay on top pick the qualified young people, then transfer the power gradually
iPad, Laptop, Smartphone
Good point. I did think to have an iPhone lask year when I renew my cell phone contract, at last, I got the Moto Zine5, the 5 Megapix camera drew me to the decision. You have seen all the quality pictures I took with this phone like all those Jordan shoes, the Swiss watches, Ipod-s..I still think this camera is superb. Other than that, I loaded hundereds Chinese songs, it comes with FM radio, the added E_E and E_C dictionary helps me some time too.
Actually, what really came to my mind was a question that I asked myself "Do I need Phone internet?", the answer is no. I can have free internet access at any McDonald or Burger King thru my laptop that I still think is the first choice for me talking about IPAD, Tablet or Smartphone or Blabkberry..
I take iPad as kind of toy or Kindle, or it is a large version of iPhone, practically, I will go laptop. The concern for me is I want it to sit on a table or my knees, iPad or Kindle are out of my view. Nice talking to you my son.
Actually, what really came to my mind was a question that I asked myself "Do I need Phone internet?", the answer is no. I can have free internet access at any McDonald or Burger King thru my laptop that I still think is the first choice for me talking about IPAD, Tablet or Smartphone or Blabkberry..
I take iPad as kind of toy or Kindle, or it is a large version of iPhone, practically, I will go laptop. The concern for me is I want it to sit on a table or my knees, iPad or Kindle are out of my view. Nice talking to you my son.
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