Monday, September 17, 2007


-keep in mind that lost is a loss forever but gain is not gain forever
-remember what you should do when a stranger comes to you with smile and offers anything good? runaway!
-women have more than one hole that needs to be filled
-to measure a man: how much money does he have in his name
-to measure a woman: how good she behaves to a rich man
-don't say any meaningful thing to those you don't trust
-do things that matter, do things that make sense
-ask yourself why twice before you take actions
-you don't understand what your target customer says on their web, it is not your customer, go next
-useful webs: / /
-make your father your best friend, why? because he is your father
-you have only 2 unconditional supporters in your life
-mortgage is only one loan or debt in the world you can take
-there is no such a thing called free lunch, you have to pay what you take no exceptions
-if we can make mistake why any one others can not
-reading is the best way to learn writing
-Credit card vs Debit card = other people's money vs your own money, you can dispute the fraud on credit, it is hard to dispute the fraud on your debit card, use your credit card when you are not sure if it is safe
-you can learn more from friends of your girl friend about your girl friend other than herself
-price is what you pay, value is what you get
-What looks like a great deal today, may not be tomorrow!
-We can not let others do our thinking for us
-Sometimes we have to do what is required
-Speculation is the battle of the individual against the herd
-Don't be surrounded by bad people who will trash you when the hammer is down
-Realtor or broker will tell you that it is good time to buy since home is investment, say no and do your own homework and find out where the market goes and how confortablly you can afford.
-women think that each every rich man is their best fit, you can easily tell if a girl is really loving you by your heart thinking
-you can be whoever you want to be, just do it
-nothing is un-achieveable
-you will understand most of the motives if you watch where the money goes
-if someone makes you anger with your parents, he or she is not at your side or to benefit you

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