Sunday, October 12, 2008

It comes next

Following the finacial "crisis": OPEC thrinks, oil price goes under, Middle easten empires are in desparate, the skyscrapers from under water up have no visitors, Toyota cars sell, GM/Chrysler come up to bunisess again, Ford Explore prosperous , MadeInChina is still MadeInChina, USA mfg alives, Some big banking players gone no more famouse from the top 20 list, manufacturing dominate, education comes to live, USA is still the wolrd economy engine......EU is EU, Russia is Russia, Arab fights Jews continuously, Laden is dead, NATO has meaningless, Japan is scared by China, Taiwan is going nowhere but makes peace with China, Tibetans show up in front of Chinese embassies in the world, North Korean, Cuba can not survive longer as communist countries, Obama is the president of America, Blacks don't trust Whites vise versa, Irvine property price is higher than other orange county cities, Alhambra overpacked with Chinese, housing price is higher than that in Irvine, Corona houses empty rate rises, Riverside will still possesses the desert land for another 40 years, Hong Kong people move to west at the same pace, California has earth quakes fears, Churches have no enough donations, I retire, I survive, I go back to my homeland, I will..........

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