Sunday, August 15, 2010

something is wrong

When we were young in our 20's &30's, no one was there to give us a loan to buy a house we couldn't afford to pay for. And when we lost our job and unemployment ran out you got up off your duff and found ANY job for ANY wage, so you could eat, and pay your rent, and get on with your life. I mean any jobs like yard work, babysitting, busboy, waitress, file clerk, receptionist, house cleaning, cook, whatever. That is what we had to do when we were down on our luck and broke. Now a days we have all these lazy slackers who collect rent vouchers , food stamps, gov't cks. and lay around all day and have babies they can't afford to raise so we have to pay for that also. Let's help the sick, the diabled, those in accidents, mental traumas, or temporary bad situations, Definitely. But not able bodied men and women who just don't want to get up in the morning like the rest of us , get out there and do something with their lives other than watch Jerry Springer, and Soaps, all day, or stay loaded up on drugs and alcohol. Obama's redistribution of wealth has already happened, and it started before he was even in office. It just has been getting worse and worse as these poiticians all pander to that large 50% group who are on the dole and or pay no taxes. And the rest of us have to pay for it ALL. Something is just not right about this picture. Only way to change it is to Only let Taxpayers vote. If you are on the gov't dole, you are being cared for like children, and just like children you shouldn't be allowed to vote, until you "grow up" and can take care of yourselves. Period. Then and only then will you see society chang for the better, instead of sliding into the ravine like it is today.

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